6 weeks of travel coming to an end.....
Bonswa My Friends!
The month and a half of travel is coming to an end. We wanted to share with you the MANY successes and God sightings that have happened not only during Jean and Julie's visit to the US, but also in the planning.
The Haitian Ministries Board spent some real time in prayer looking at the financial commitment and time commitment for such a long and involved visit. Our dear friend and board member, Ronda Gerhardt, was able to arrange a fabulous airfare and schedule that has worked perfectly. She will humbly tell you it was a God thing!
Jean and Julie were able to present Haitian Ministries at ten different churches. There were many visits with various groups and individuals. They have visited six states will have been on 10 flights by the time they arrive back home in the Dominican Republic on Monday morning. Currently they are enjoying time with family in New Jersey,
Countless people have opened their homes to welcome them and provide meals and housing. Many old friendships were renewed, and many new friendships are being formed.
This past week they finalized all of the paperwork and documentation needed in order to receive Visa's to travel to Canada. They have a contact in Quebec that has invited them to come and share about Haitian Ministries with interested supporters in that area.
We have raised enough funds to start with the next phase of the building project! Not quite enough for the walls, but we can hopefully add the roof to the first floor which will be a HUGE benefit to being able to use the building in all types of weather. FUN FACT: We learned that the building is currently being used seven days a week! EVERY DAY!!!
When we look over the past 16 years we could not have imagined that there would be so many lives touched by Haitian Ministries. As Dan mentioned during his recent presentations, he met Jean Paulite for the first time in person on April 25th 2004. He welcomed Jean and Julie to the US exactly 15 years later on April 25th, 2019. Who knew? God knew.
A very heart felt thank you to everyone who prayed, visited, called, made food, provided a bed, organized rides, and have generally learned to love Jean and Julie and the ministry they have devoted their lives to.
(Please visit our Facebook page if you would like to view photos and details from the recent visit)
Merci Jezi!!!!